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Trauma Response Poster: Therapy Office Decor

Trauma Response Poster: Therapy Office Decor

Regular price $1.00 USD
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A trauma response is a reaction to a traumatic event or experience. Responses can vary and may include feelings of fear, anxiety, numbness, or avoidance.

The 4 Trauma Responses: Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn: Examining The Four Trauma Reactions. The neurobiological consequences of psychological trauma, our bodies are designed to respond to perceived threats with a set of near-instantaneous, reflexive survival behaviors. Unhealthy flight responses can include obsessive or compulsive tendencies, needing to stay busy all the time, panic, constant feelings of fear, perfectionism, workaholic tendencies, and the inability to sit still. Healthy flight responses can include being able to disengage from harmful conversations, leave unhealthy relationships, remove yourself from physical danger, and properly assess danger.


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