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Polyvagal Theory Chart: Nervous System Regulation

Polyvagal Theory Chart: Nervous System Regulation

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Polyvagal Theory chart, polyvagal cheatsheet, regulating the nervous system, Somatic Awareness, Somatic exercises, Polyvagal Nervous System, Polyvagal worksheet, window of tolerance

This 20-page cheat sheet booklet includes an introduction to the Nervous System and the Automatic Nervous System. it includes the core Polyvagal theory concepts; Neuroscience, Polyvagal ladder and curve, Window of tolerance Vagal/ Vagus nerve, co-regulation and Somatic Awareness activities and 44 Somatic healing activity flashcards.

The booklet includes four bonus activity worksheets for Mapping the Nervous System for trauma therapy, trauma triggers/ cues and "glimmers". Glimmers are the activities that bring you to that optimal nervous system state, activating the vagus nerve ( rest and digest) for self-regulation, co-regulation and somatic awareness.

The Polyvagal Theory was developed by Stephen Porges. The Polyvagal theory teaches you to engage your social nervous system to heal from trauma and gain a sense of safety and somatic healing.


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